Sunday, July 4, 2010

OSB 11g ( Test console not working

You might have faced below error while trying to invoke test console of Oracle Service Bus 11g -

"Test Console" service is not running. Contact administrator to start this service.

So to clarify, Test console will work only when OSB server (one of the managed server and default name is osb_server1) is up and running (Along with admin server); and all deployments on OSB server are in active state.

In 11g, few things are different than 10g. Now in 11g, you may access the sbconsole by just starting the admin server but remember that all the OSB configurations will be deployed on the OSB server (osb_server1) only. So for any OSB resource to be available for outside n/w, it is required that OSB server is up and running.

To start the OSB server,

Open command prompt. Navigate to $Domain_Home/bin and run command


for eg. -

D:\OFMW11g\mw\user_projects\domains\ofmw_domain\bin>startManagedWebLogic.cmd osb_server1

Once this server is up and running, try using test console.

You may also refer -


  1. what is the url to access the test console for osb?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. You would see a bug icon on OSB console against the resources like proxy service, business service, Xquery etc.. Click on that bug icon to open the test console for that particular resource.

  3. Hi all!
    I have same problem on cluster: "Test Console" Service is not running. Contact administrator to start this service.
    I solved this problem:
    1) Go to domain home on admin server machine. Set property to “true” in alsbdebug.xml file.
    2) In “Administration console” go to “Environment --> Servers” and set listen address to AdminServer, ProxyServer and all nodes.
    3) In “Administration console” go to “Environment --> Clusters” and set “Cluster Address”. Don’t use space symbol in “Cluster Address”!
    4) Restart all servers.

    For example:
    Node1 listen address: HOSTNAME01
    Node1 listen port: 7101
    Node2 listen address: HOSTNAME02
    Node2 listen port: 7201

    Cluster Address: HOSTNAME01:7101,HOSTNAME02:7201

    Hope this helps
